Thursday, February 2, 2012

Game Time!

Last week I went on a mini self bash because I’m a bad food blogger .

And what do you do when you are bad at something?

You practice.

So I am going to attempt to be better at posting recipes in a timely manner for events.

I’m even going to do my best at managing my time better. You know, so I don’t make through only eleven days of the Twelve Days of Treats.

In honor of Super Bowl, I have for you not just one recipe you should be eating come Sunday, but something for pretty much anyone at the party.

I haven’t decided what I’m making yet, but I’m sure you will hear all about it after the fact.


Love and Beer Floats

P.S. Yes I realize the Niners are not in the Super Bow, but I am no fair-weather fan. We’ll get them next year. 

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