Thursday, December 6, 2012

Goat Cheese with Spicy Stewed Berries


 The holiday season is in full swing.

In my world, that means party time.

And party time means cooking up things to take to other people’s houses.

Usually, appetizers.

So I came up with something that I could make fast, (I still have to hit all the parties, do all my Christmas/Chanukah shopping and sleep), could be easy to transport and was absolutely delicious.

A friend from work would always bring a log of goat cheese to a party and top it with some delicious chutney.

With that idea in mind, I threw some stuff in a small saucepan, cooked it for a bit, drizzled it over some tasty herbed goat cheese and called it a tasty, tasty day.

You will need…

1 cup raspberries

¼ cup balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
½ teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon sage, finely chopped
1 small log of herbed goat cheese

Start by combining all of the ingredients except the cheese in a small sauce pan.

Over medium heat, cook the ingredients down for twenty minutes. Just until the raspberries have stopped being raspberries and are in a semi liquid form.

Remove from the heat and allow the sauce to cool.

When the sauce is cool but not cold.

Pour the sauce over the goat cheese.

Garnish with raspberries and serve with your favorite crackers.

Love and Beer Floats

Goat Cheese with Spicy Stewed Berries 
1 cup raspberries
¼ cup balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
½ teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon sage, finely chopped
1 small log of herbed goat cheese

Start by combining all of the ingredients except the cheese in a small sauce pan.
Over medium heat, cook the ingredients down for twenty minutes. Just until the raspberries have stopped being raspberries and are in a semi liquid form.
Remove from the heat and allow the sauce to cool.
When the sauce is cool but not cold.
Pour the sauce over the goat cheese.
Garnish with raspberries and serve with your favorite crackers.

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