Monday, July 30, 2012

Orange Honey Butter

I’ve never really been one to do things the easy way.

If I’m going to get myself into something, I’m going all out. No matter how ridiculous going all out can end up being.

For example, I volunteered to make some scones for a bridal tea that I went to yesterday. But I couldn’t just make regular old scones.

Of course not, that would just be the normal person thing to do.

Instead I came up with a fancy scone recipe and decided to make my own butter.


And let me just tell you, the little extra it takes to make the butter was completely worth it.

You will need…

1 quart heavy cream
½ cup honey

1 orange, zested

½ teaspoon salt

Start by combining all your ingredients in a large jar. If you don’t have a very large jar, you can just divide it into multiple jars.

You jar to be a little more than half full. Mine were way to small so it took WAY longer.

Shake the cream rigorously until the cream starts to form into butter chunks. About 20 minutes.

When large chunks have formed, strain the chunks of butter from the buttermilk.

Save the buttermilk for other recipes.

Serve butter with your favorite breads, muffins and scones.

Love and Beer Floats

Orange Honey Butter
1 quart heavy cream
½ cup honey
1 orange, zested
½ teaspoon salt

Start by combining all your ingredients in a large jar. If you don’t have a very large jar, you can just divide it into multiple jars.
You jar to be a little more than half full.
Shake the cream rigorously until the cream starts to form into butter chunks. About 20 minutes.
When large chunks have formed, strain the chunks of butter from the buttermilk.
Save the buttermilk for other recipes.
Serve butter with your favorite breads, muffins and scones. 

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