Thursday, April 21, 2011

The NEW Edible Arrangement

Due to recent questioning from blog readers, I feel that I need to clarify some things. Despite his multiple appearances on the blog lately, I am not dating Steve. I do enjoy Steve very much, but I also enjoy his darling girlfriend.

We just happen to share the same excitement for good food and good booze. And frying things.

Next point of business.

Yes, I do have a deep love of bacon. Something Steve is well aware of.

I hope the next guy I date likes to surf the web and find random stuff as much as Steve does, because he sent me this today.

Note to future suitors…

Don’t ever send me flowers. Send me bacon roses. They are totally my favorite color.

You can learn how to make them at Lauging Squid.

Calm down Blake. I know you are sitting at your computer thinking of a witty comment to post. It better be good. I’m expecting big things from you today.

Love and Beer Floats


  1. Angela,

    I stumbled upon this blog and was glad to see that you've been getting after it in the kitchen. I, like you, recently started cooking. My specialty is fried egg sandwiches...which are amazing. After that I pretty much doodle with the grill (chicken, chicken, chicken, etc), microwaveable oatmeal, and beans. However, I am pumped about this blog of yours and am going to start following you so I can get some new pointers. I hope all is well in the Golden State.

    Much Love,

  2. A wise man once told me: "The way to a woman's heart is through her stomach." Bacon roses...genius!

  3. I thought that was the way to a MANS heart??
