A couple of weeks ago, I took my childhood bead kit from my parent’s house and brought it to my apartment. At one time, it was filled with bright, round, plastic beads that I was always warned to keep away from my brother Joshua so he wouldn’t choke. Now it is filled with vibrant glass, stone and precious metal beads I play with every free moment I get. Even though it has changed on the inside, the outside is the exact same as when I received it when I was nine. ANGELA printed in red on the top in big block letters.
A couple of Tuesdayz ago, when Eric was out of town, Lish took on all of his rolls. She took photos, lit candles, and made sure there was at least one clutter free surface for people to eat on. Out of no where, she exclaims to me, “You and I would have totally been friends growing up.” Baffled, I asked what she was talking about. Her response, “We would have sat together playing with our beads for hours. I have this exact same box.”
We grew up hundreds of miles and a state line away from each other, but we were always meant to be close. It just took us eighteen years to find each other. We share the same zest for food, beads, fashion and life. I couldn’t be happier to share my life and my home with her.
Why am I babbling on and on about Lish? Well folks, twenty-five years ago today, Lish was born. I’m so lucky that twenty-five years ago, Rob and Darcy brought Alicia into this world so that I could find her eighteen years later.
Happy Birthday Lish. Thank you for being in my life. You better believe I’m keeping you are around for at LEAST the next eighteen years.
Watch out, photo montage time…

Snowboarding in Arizona...

Lish's 23 birthday...

Up at 3:30 am to drink on St. Patricks Day...


We were 3 wishes. Josh was supposed to be our "Genie"...

Riding our spin bikes. Duh...

Senior Ball...

Mirror images... Loofa's for Halloween '09...

Hip Cooks for Christmas '08...

Halloween '06. As usual, I look rediculous and Lish looks stunning...

Graduation Day. May 10, 2008...

The aftermath of our housewarming BBQ that no one came to...

What we do best...

Halloween '07. I'm supposed to be Flamingo, I realize I look like a pig...

Younger Dayz...

New Years '09...

"Training" trip in Hawaii...

Winning swim conference our senior year.
No matter what we do Lishy, you will always be my co-captain. Happy Birthday Captain!
Love and Beer Floats
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