Sixty years ago today, the man, the myth, the legend was born. My dad. Martin Jay Samuels. Sixty years ago today, the world welcomed a spirit so great, it illuminates and inspires everything it touches. Sixty years ago, my hero, the person I look to more than anyone in this world came to be. And for that, I couldn't be more grateful. So tonight, in honor of him, I gave him the only gift I could afford. A smart ass card, with the $100 I owe him this month (I've been paying off my parents for a flight they booked me to London) and a dinner designed just for him.
Tonight was full of family, love and an amazing amount of laughter. Mostly because we make fun of each other an unbelievable amount which results in knee slapping and falling off our chairs. In addition to all the love and family and laugher? Food. Lots of food.

Dad made some serious requests for the meal. We are talking the big guns. And unfortunately... guns I had not yet played with. Like cream of asparagus soup.

And the very dangerous... beef tenderloin. Which means I had to use the barbecue. Like. For real. Not just pineapple or shrimp which LOOK done. A serious test of my culinary wannabeness. But after much concern, and sweating by the grill... I didn't destroy it.

Luckily I had some tried and true faves... which big surprise here... were also a challenge. You know... because I had a ton of time on my hands in the kitchen.
Brussels Sprouts
And Truffle Butter Mashed Potatoes

Luckily the birthday boy was a happy man...
So, here's to you Dad! You are only as old as you feel. And you must feel pretty great because you blew all 60 candles in one blow. Dad, you are the best. I love you.
Oh... and mom... I promise Eric will make me bring the Tupperware back. Eventually.
Love and Beer Floats,
awwwww happy birthday dadddd. good job ang! looks great!