As this year rolls on, one by one my friends are dropping like flies. Quickly, we are all reaching that mile stone that tells us we are no longer in our early twenties and we need to start acting like adults.
While many around us are shaping up, buying houses, getting married and having babies, I take great comfort in the knowledge that today's birthday girl will stand next to me as we proudly refuse to act our age.
Today I celebrate not only the birth of my best friend and her twenty-five years of life, but the fact that she will always dance hard, laugh loud and live life to it's fullest.
Meet Lindsey B.

Today is her twenty-fifth birthday.
She is more beautiful today than ever (and this is hard because as an infant she won a beauty contest).

She will always oblige me when I want to dress up and be silly.

And she almost never gets mad at me when I get cranky with her. Almost.

I sincerely hope that we will be friends for the next sixteen years because the first sixteen rocked.
I love her with all my heart even though she is making me make tacos tonight with homemade tortillas.
Anything for the birthday girl.
Happy Birthday Linds. I love you.
Love, Beer Floats and Lindsey B Birthday Wishes
Anything for the birthday girl.
Happy Birthday Linds. I love you.
Love, Beer Floats and Lindsey B Birthday Wishes
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