Hanukkah is the celebration of lights. Every year, we remember the oil that was only supposed to burn for one night but actually lasted for eight. There is obviously a much more informative and detailed description of Hanukkah, but I don’t want to mess it up. You can read all about the beautiful holiday and what it means HERE.
I am headed home to my parent’s house tonight for a very special celebration. In addition to lighting the menorah, we will be feasting on the fruits of the mighty little crock pots labors.

Tonight we are going to celebrate Jew Food Tuesday. To commemorate the first EVER Jew Food Tuesday, we will be dining on brisket and potato latkes.
While I am very excited to cook food that represents this special holiday, brisket presents some serious issues. Well, only one issue really. It takes nine hours to cook. And I have a day job.
Damn job, always getting in the way of my cooking. Just kidding. I love my job. (Seriously bosses. I love my job. Please keep me forever.)
So, to overcome my obstacle, I brought the brisket and the mighty crock pot that could to work. It is currently sitting in our break room.

I’m sure my coworkers really appreciate the delicious brisket aroma wafting through the building. Especially since they can’t have any.

Happy Jew Food Tuesday friends! Can’t wait to show and tell all about it.
Love and Beer Floats