I know I have said this before, but I have a serious tendency to get myself in way over my head. I take on too many responsibilities, too many events, too many obligations, too many guests and in this case, too many dishes. I don't know why, but I just can't help myself. I blame this disease I was recently diagnosed with. FOMO, also known as the Fear Of Missing Out disease. Symptoms of FOMO include but are not limited to, being the last person to leave a function, agreeing to be 7 places in one day, always agreeing to one more drink and planning a function with 213 extra details that are not necessary and probably no one will even notice.
Don't get me wrong. FOMO has some serious advantages. I have had some amazing experience due to FOMO. There have been amazing meals, dance parties, conversations and breathtakingly beautiful sites seen, all due to my FOMO. But the anxiety and exhaustion that it sometimes causes can be overwhelming.
I didn't have any swim lessons yesterday so the whole day was supposed to be spent cleaning, cooking and doing general preparation for my parents arrival. However, in typical FOMO style I decided to throw in blogging, cooking a huge breakfast for two, a drive up the coast to Malibu to watch each of my brothers water polo games and a trip to the Getty Villa on the way back down.

(the amazingly, insanely beautiful Getty Villa! play your cards right and you might get invited to a wedding there in a couple years)
Of course breakfast was delicious, the boys played great, the drive up the coast was beautiful and the Villa was stunning. But, as five o'clock crept around, no food had been purchased, no prep had been done, and my room still looked like this...
Love and Beer Floats
...to be continued...
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